Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Penn State Child Sex Abuse Case - 1188 Words

The Penn State child sex abuse case involves many legal, ethical, and moral complications. The participants in this case include Jerry Sandusky, former defensive coordinator, Joe Paterno, former head coach, Graham Spanier, former Penn State President, Tim Curley, former athletic director, other witnesses, informants, and victims. Jerry Sandusky was arrested on charges that he abused and molested boys he met through his charity, The Second Mile. Sandusky used his access to Penn State and connection to the misguided youth of his organization to prey on and eventually rape young boys. Sandusky was charged with 52 counts of child molestation and sentenced to 30-60 years in prison. Other parties involved were charged with perjury, failure to†¦show more content†¦None of the Penn State staff who learned of the suspected abuse chose to contact the police or even investigate the claims for themselves. As a result of that, countless victims were affected. The decision to ignore the events that had transpired was an attempt to not tarnish the school’s name and to protect the higher officials from the negative consequences that may have arisen. Utilitarianism is an ethical philosophy in which the happiness of the greatest number of people is considered the greatest good. If utilitarianism is utilized, participants weigh the consequences of a decision and determine which will bring the least pain and complications. In the Sandusky case, utilitarianism was used by Spanier, Paterno, and all other parties who witnessed, or were told about the crimes being committed, but did little or nothing to seek justice. In the moment, it may have seen like an easier option to ignore the abuse that was reported. Many negative consequences would come from entertaining the idea that a role model and legend of the school molested young boys. I believe fear of consequences, selfishness, and a lack of enforcement of values played a major role in this case. 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