Saturday, May 16, 2020

Leadership Of The Korean War - 1512 Words

Irma Cuevas Jimenez History 11 VanWyck Leadership of the Korean War The Korean War, which started in June 25, 1950, was a result of high tensions between North Korea and South Korea. North Korea wanted to push communism over to the non- communist Republic in South Korea. When as the pressure developed, other nations became involved in the situation. The Soviet Union and Communist China encouraged military conquer of South Korea. On the opposite spectrum, The United Nations, including the Unites States, joined the fight against communism. The leadership involved within the United States was President Harry S. Truman and General Douglas MacArthur. These were the two influential people in the outcome of the Korean War. The controversial topic was the atomic bomb. Was President Truman in the right to dismiss General MacArthur from his military duties? General Douglas MacArthur’s rise in military power came at a young age. Born in Little Rock, Arkansas, he was a descendant of a long line of military background. He once said, â€Å"I learned to ride and shoot even before I could read or write†. At the young age of 19 he attended West Point. With his mother always watching over him, he was the top graduate, president of the student body, and played sports such as baseball and football. After West Point he attended Engineer School of Application. For his first assignment he was sailed to the Philippines. During his fourteen year period in the Philippines he developed new defensiveShow MoreRelated The Battles Of The Korean War Essay1088 Words   |  5 Pages1950, a war broke out on the peninsula of North and South Korea. The causes of this war were mostly attributed to North Korea’s attempted conquest of the entire Korean peninsula. North Korea invaded the South and thus began the Korean War. This was a war that u ltimately involved the forces of the United States and numerous other countries. 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